Wiebke Fischer and Doron Hemo about „Israeli companies in the field of retail tech and e-commerce“
Wiebke is in the talk with Doron and me, she is the german part of teh israeli trade mission and she speaks about the differences in mentality and the obstacles she is confronted with …
Doron is the head of the israeli economic & trade Mission in Munich we are talking why the israeli start ups are valuable partners for the german economy and what they can offer for the retail, real estate and other branches. Not only economic things also what his experience in Germany is and what challenges he has to solve …
Talkrunde zum Thema Tierwohl für den Handel: Jürgen Berens von Rautenfeld, Dr. Frank Thiedig, Gerhard Aigner, Daniel Honner
Podcasts, RetailGregor & Luca Tretter, Tretter-Schuhe Josef Tretter GmbH & Co.KG. über Unternehmensnachfolge in herausfordernden Zeiten
Podcasts, RetailJulian Schillinger, Privé Technologies | Digital Wealth Management Solutions (CEO & Co-Founder).. über KI mit Finanz-Techniken
Podcasts, RetailAndreas Bartmann — Globetrotter Ausrüstung GmbH (Geschäftsführer) über Evolution im Laden
Podcasts, RetailStefan Huber „HUBER Photography Kurator & Galerist Leica Galerie München “ über Beobachten, zu Fotos und das Leben…
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